What We Believe

What We Believe

New Life belongs to the worldwide Christian Church

We are part of the worldwide community of those who love and follow Jesus Christ. We believe that our Father has revealed himself in a unique and final way through His Son, who entered our world to heal its brokenness. He took on human nature and became the true and rightful king of the world. To know God the Father we must trust His Son who died on a cross for our sins in our place and rose again to give us a new life. The key role of the Holy Spirit today is to draw people to faith in Jesus Christ and reconnect them as a family – a new community who, as His agents, work to reconcile and restore every facet of creation’s brokenness by spreading the news about Jesus Christ’s Kingship.


New Life is an Evangelical Church

We believe that the Bible is God’s word written and so is our authority in every area of faith and life. As Christians we want (however imperfectly) to submit our lives to God’s Word. In all our activities we seek to obey the Scriptures. We also actively seek to encourage others to join us in hearing and listening to the Bible. The Bible teaches us the only way of salvation and eternal life. We long for others to know the reality of Jesus Christ when He said “I am the way, the truth and the life.”